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Willow Hill Farms Alpaca

Meet the Herd


I am Ellie "Elegant Masterpiece" and I am the first on the left (see photo above).

Welcome to my home here on Willow Hill Farm Alpacas.  I have a family here of 19 other alpacas, thirteen of us are girls and seven are boys.

Life at Willow Hill Farm is grand and we have five acres here in the Laurel Highlands to roam, play and eat orchard grass.  Our fiber is oh so soft and beautiful and comes in 22 colors from blacks, whites, grays, browns and fawns.  Alpaca fiber is light weight, warm, non-allergenic and fire resistant.  We are sheared once a year in the spring and our luxurious fiber is sent away to be made into treasured alpaca products.

Now let me tell you a little about all my friends here on the farm:

First there is Pandora, she is the oldest of us and we are very good to her.  She is a great mom, a Bay Black in color and has produced two cria (baby alpaca) here on the farm.

 Jarrett a gentle guy and the farms very first cria with the same beautiful black fleece as mom.

 Then came a happy Annie.  Now Annie is of a fawn color and just loves to eat and get treats, she's just happy to be here. 

Maggie Rose (Rosie) came to the farm from up state Pa. and is a rich brown color with eye lashes to die for.  She is our leader wherever Rosie goes we follow.  Her cria's name is Gracie.  Gracie is a little backward, but does like to have her neck scratched.

Lets see now, Lyla arrived with her cria Lilly.  Lilly is white in color but when her fiber is processed its a soft ivory color.  Lyla not a happy mom is the color of a rose gray.  Then she had our Kallie, a multi color of browns, black, and white hence her official name is "Kiss of Kalikoh"  Kallie and Gracie are great friends, while Lilly is a loner. 

Honey a medium brown shade is a shy girl and gets along with everyone.  Such a good mom she was to Winchester who was premature.  Even though he's a little guy, he has turned out to be a trouble maker.  Lacey our light gray, likes to look right into that camera.  She has the prettiest eyes.  Each have a little white mark that looks like a star.  Benelli, was her cria. "Benelli Simply Perfect" is his registered name and we girls think he's perfect too.  A handsome gray guy that all the girls love.  So much, we figured out how to get his gate open and it looks like mom is in for a surprise.  August seems like a good month for a baby cria or two. 

Magical from "Magical Farms" is the girls watch dog.  She lets the herd know of danger.  Last summer she left off her siren call and gee wiz Magical it was only a turtle.  Winifred is another shy girl and even though she is six years old she still whimpers when she can't see her mom Magicial.  Olaf, Thunder and Lightning our youngest all were born four years ago.  Olaf is a stinker, hands off, your not petting me.  Lightning lets the boys intimidate him, but mom steps in and makes sure he gets his bowl of food each morning before they push him aside.  Thunder is my off spring along with summer.  Summer has an appetite, loves her evening treat.  Watch out mom, she might knock you over.  Thunder "Thor God of Thunder" was born during a thunderstorm. He is a cutie.  All white with two brown markings above each eye, that make him look like he has horns.  But, he's a lover and likes to be cuddled.  

Now there is me Ellie.  I'm the best of them all, loveable and very pretty with my fleece of dark fawn with my white neck decorating with fawn spotting.  Mom and Dad had no trouble picking me out at the "Double 'O' Show" in Ohio.  If you come for a visit, I'll let you love me and I'll even poise for a perfect picture with you.  Oh, by the way we also have mousers in our barn. "Frick and Frack" are great cats.  Frack is a prankster and Frick is a homebody.  We sure wish they would sleep in their nice beds in the tack room instead of in our hay troughs. We have learned to eat around them.

Lastly there's mom and dad.  They are so good to us, making sure are barn is clean and buckets are full of clean water with plenty of hay to munch on.  

We enjoy visitors and now that you know a little bit about our family, come see us.

 "You won't be disappointed"

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